Corrupt E-Mail
A corrupt E-Mail is: You recieve a e-mail, from a suspicius account, this account send you a URL and say you to click there, by some excuse, like: protect your password, things of your bank, you win a prize...
Some tips, that can help you to avoid this are:
1º. I recomend you to check if the account is fake, in case is fake, you can see if the message is a corrupt message
2º. Also you can check if there are a lot of recipients, if is like this probably is a corrupt E-Mail
3º. If in the E-mail, you hace a link, if you put the mouse on the link, you can see the URL of he link and you can see the intention of the link.
4º. Never open attachments from unverified senders.
5º. Add spam filters to your email.
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